An interview conducted by the Moroccan journalist Fernane Mohamed for Lesiteinfo
An interview conducted by the Moroccan journalist Fernane Mohamed for…
A book review in Arabic by the Kuwaiti writer AbdulAziz Alqenaei
A book review in Arabic by the Kuwaiti writer AbdulAziz Alqenaei - Letters to…
Yossi Klein Halevi Asks Me To Recognize His Humanity. Can He Do The Same For Me?
Yossi Klein Halevi Asks Me To Recognize His Humanity. Can He Do The Same For…
Book review by Mr. Ali Alayed
Book review - Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor - Ali Alayed, Alkhaleej Online…
A second response by Abdelgawad Sayed to Yossi Kelein Halevi - Letters to my neighbors the Palestinian
A second answer to Yossi Kelein Halevi - Letters to my neighbors the…
When an ex-Fatah Palestinian ‘neighbor’ took up a Zionist author’s challenge
When an ex-Fatah Palestinian ‘neighbor’ took up a Zionist author’s challenge -…
In Pursuit of Peace, Yossi Klein Halevi Examines Commonalities Between the Sons of Abraham
In Pursuit of Peace, Yossi Klein Halevi Examines Commonalities Between the Sons…
Before you head to campus, read this
Before you go to campus, read this - Sally Abrams, Times of Israel
Times of Israel Review - Fred Maroun
Six effective ways to stand with Israel - Fred Maroun, Times of Israel
A Palestinian Responds to His Israeli Neighbor - Raja Shehadeh, New York Times…