Featured Reader Responses
April 6, 2021 Dear Mr. Halevi, I recently had the honor of reading your book, Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor. The first thing that caught my attention was the title; the seemingly…
Reading and commenting on the book Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor Soumia, holds a master's degree in history and sociology. Abstract Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor is a book that is…
Hello, I would first like to express my deep appreciation to you for inviting me to read the book. It caused me to reflect back on generations of Jews who were born and resided in Iraq and…
I would like to thank your team for inviting me to read this book, including me in the open discussion you’re conducting with the Arab world; a discussion which has encouraged me to express my…
First off, it is worth stating the fact that the Arab-Israeli conflict during its more formative decades was in reality a conflict between the proponents of Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Arab…
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“A clarion call, not to arms but to empathy…a profound and original book, the work of a gifted thinker…[an] urgent and heartfelt message.”
- Wall Street Journal
“One of the best one-volume introductions to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.”
- The Atlantic
“Refreshingly honest...In explaining Israel to the Palestinians, [Halevi] appeals to a certain ideal, a higher ambition, a sense of wonder and beauty.”
- The Forward

Yossi Klein Halevi
Yossi Klein Halevi is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. He is the author of Like Dreamers, which won the Jewish Book Council’s Everett Book of the Year Award.
He is a former contributing editor of the New Republic and writes for the op-ed pages of leading American newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.