This is Yossi’s response to the Syrian reader Kamal Al-Hasoon. To read Kamal’s response check this link


Dear Kamal,

First, please forgive the long delay in my response to your gracious and thoughtful letter.

Thank you for your kind words about my book. I am grateful to God that I was able to write and publish this book, and grateful to God to have sent me readers like you.

There is so much in what you wrote that brought me joy. First, your generous spirit: Yes, we are sick of war, and fear, and hatred. Reading your letter made me feel grateful that we live in a time where it is possible for people across “enemy lines” to communicate directly with each other.

I was deeply touched by your courage and independent thinking. Growing up in a dictatorship, you still managed to learn and think for yourself. I know of no greater act of intellectual and spiritual courage than that.

I appreciate your metaphor of the religious triangle, and how the three monotheistic faiths are part of the same whole. That way of looking at our faiths is, I believe, the future of religious consciousness. Many people in each of our religions will of course continue to see the other faiths as spiritually inferior, and outside of themselves. But  I’ve learned to feel at home in a mosque and a church, and to love the prayers of my neighbors, even if they are not my prayers. In a way, all prayers belong to me as a religious person.

As for your suggestion: I am planning to release a video clip in Arabic that explains the purpose of my book. I hope it will get distribution in Arabic social media.

Please tell me something about your current life – where you live, what kind of films you are working on, your family situation.

I would be happy to continue to be in touch.

With blessings and warm regards,
